The Art of Mastering the Morning [Week 5 - Fauxga Vid & 21FUN]


Welcome back to WEEK 5 and what I realized is my 90th day of doing fauxga every single day! I'm usually not one to keep track of numbers, but I looked at the calendar and noticed time just flew by. It's August today! Did you guys know that? ....answer me. 

I am very vVERyyyyyyY excited for this week because at 12:01 on August 5th I will be turning 21! But don't worry, I'll be up bright and early on my birthday doing fauxga by the pool live on Snapchat as usual ;) but maybe with a mimosa in hand! Now, I can't guarantee that I will be up on August 6th doing fauxga....but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 

Here's what I have in store for this week's post:

  • Let's talk about feelings  
    • How do I actually, really, truly feel on my 90th day of doing yoga every single day?
  • Full 40-minute fauxga routine & Spotify playlist!
    • YOU asked, I'M giving it! A full 40-minute video of me doing the same fauxga routine I've been doing for 90 days straight. 
  • Apple Cider Vinegar is for some...
    • ...but not for me! More on that later. 
  • The Art of Mastering the Morning: 21st Birthday Edition
    • you'll see. 

90th Day of Fauxga? How do you feel?

Honesty, I think doing yoga/meditation everyday has given me more of a mental work out than a physical one. I made a commitment to myself in April to start doing yoga everyday, and it was hard to keep that promise to myself.....until I found you, blog. You've helped again. Just kidding, but it definitely is encouraging to have so many people texting and snap-chatting me about their yoga routine or asking questions about what I do. Even if you're "not into yoga / if you have half a brain!" (can we talk about how insulting that song is I CAN LIKE CHAMPAGNE AND YOGA THANK U), I think it's important to just take a chunk of time out of everyday to pay attention to your body. It's so easy to prioritize other things over your body. But we need to fight for the health of our bodies, because they're fighting for us every moment of every day. *mic drop*

Yoga Video!!!!!!!!!!!!! + bonus Spotify Playlist!

Not gonna lie, I've been dreading posting this. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy a few of you have asked me what I mysteriously do during my 40-minute flat morning sesh, but yoga is a really personal time of day and filming it seems weird. I don't even snapchat during my routine because I think it's really important to not have the distraction. I film myself sometimes, but that's usually just to watch what I'm doing wrong then delete it (mirrors are distracting ok?).

I was going to edit it, speed it up, put some "cool" music on top and take out the ugly parts, but then I thought "why"? This is what it's really like - I get sticky, I fall over, I forget to breath, my face gets red, I laugh at the birds, I talk to Gatsby, I listen to weird music and I chase mosquitos (try not to kill them - it's yoga! I don't want bad karma). Yoga is an art, and I'm no pro (that's why it's fauxga!). 

What I do everyday changes on how I feel in the morning, but this is basically what I do. AND - as an added bonus, I've included one of my Spotify playlists ranging from classical to movie score to "zen buddhist Japanese spa". That's the kind of music that gets me relaxed, but if that's Beyonce or indie or silence, that's awesome! You do you. 

Ugh, I admire you Apple Cider Vinegar fiends, but unfortunately it was not for me. 

I was going to just go for it - take a shot Monday morning. But after smelling it, I decided I would rather gently adapt myself to sipping on easter egg dye (which is what it smells like). I skipped Tuesday (just forgot, or did I?) And on Wednesday and Thursday I tried 1 TBSP of ACV +  1 TBSP of raw honey in hot water. Was very drinkable, but honestly I already have a lot on the beverage situation in the morning with my lemon water and green tea. Drinking something that smelled so awful in the morning may wake some people up...but it just put me in a bad mood. "Yeah that's a no from me." -Simon Cowel/Erin McGoff on ACV. 

The Art of Mastering the Morning: 21st Birthday Edition

So as I was pondering what I wanted to do this week, my manfriend (he wanted credit) pointed out that this is the week of my 21st birthday. And that got me thinking... not all mornings are great. Especially some Saturday and Sunday mornings! So this week, I'm going to be testing the Art of Mastering the Hangover

Do you have a hangover recipe concoction that you swear by? Do you believe you can just "sweat it out"? Have you ever stolen an IV and used that to make your hangover better? Please, I want to know! Send me all your cool hangover remedies and I'll be interviewing some people this weekend. But for now, here's some of the great drinkers on the subject of being hungover: 

Just draw a bath as hot as you can handle it and throw in some Epsom salt and baking soda. Soak for 20 minutes and then pop into a freezing cold shower. Get back in the hot tub, and stay till you’re warmed up, then hop back in the shower for one more minute.
— Gwenyth Paltrow
I have an egg McMuffin and a beer.
— Cameron Diaz
I drink lots of tomato juice, eat fresh fruit and an avocado and take lots of vitamins!
— Kate Hudson
A quarter pounder with cheese and fries.
— Paris Hilton

Thanks for reading! See you next week. 

xo Erin